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Emergency Management Plans

Emergency Plans

Emergency Planning and Development

Under Work Health and Safety Legislation, every PCBU and workplace is required to have an emergency plan. Be you a small business through to a Major Hazard Facility, we have over 25 years’ experience in emergency planning and development and implementation of performance-based emergency plans.

Legislation, Emergency Plans and Emergency Procedures

The migration from OHS legislation to WHS legislation introduced a critical change here for many organisations. Under OHS legislation, only dangerous goods sites and major hazard facilities were required to have documented emergency plans (plus a few exceptions). All other sites were only required to have emergency procedures. Under WHS legislation, all PCBU – that is all work locations must have an emergency plan. Many organisations, unless they have had dealings in this space with Regulators or specialists in the field may not even be aware of their non-compliance.

WHS also introduced a number of items to emergency plans. They must be effective – and this requires testing, and they require review.

Contact Us

Contact us to speak to our expert consultants to ensure you are looking after your business but are also compliant with the law.