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ASQA & NSW Government Fast Track Nationally Accredited Infection Control Training

Posted by Amanda Cleary on
ASQA & NSW Government Fast Track Nationally Accredited Infection Control Training
he Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) announced the approval of newly developed Nationally recognised Infection Control skill sets to up-skill workers and manage risks arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Approved by Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC), endorsement by the AISC Emergency Response Sub-Committee and Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Skills Council, this training is now financially supported by NSW Government Smart & Skilled program to ensure FEE FREE training and qualifications to the NSW workforce.
The National skill sets have been designed to support Infection Control training across general industry and specifically retail, food and beverage, transport and logistics sectors. The skill sets comprise one unit of competency, HLTINFCOV001 or HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures depending on the industry sector.
Whilst there are 30 minute awareness programs out there that you can click though and get a certificate, this Nationally Recognised training provides a higher and consistent standard ensuring people are actually trained and assessed to the required National Standard. This ensures senior staff, managers, business owners and those of the front line have a much greater knowledge and practical understanding of how to ensure workplaces truly comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures now and into the future. 

As Australia moves towards the rebuilding of businesses, the workforce and a stronger economy this is a great FEE FREE opportunity to ensure your business, managers, supervisors and workers are adequately trained and Nationally qualified. RR+R offer these skill sets as online learning and in workplace assessment. FEE FREE Places close Friday 18th September 2020. For information and eligibility requirements visit or call RR+R on 02 4283 9300.

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